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On this page we present an overview of organisations that are active in the field of the EC Framework Programme, like Horizon 2020.
Organisations for project managers
Netherlands: ARMA-NL, Association of Research Managers and Administrators The Dutch Association for professionals working in the support and advice on European and (inter-)national externally financed research, nnovation and education projects. Our mission is to support the professionalization of our members by offering a platform for exchange of expertise, knowledge and experiences and to provide an overview of training opportunities and courses.
United Kingdom: ECPMA, EC Project Managers Association. Established in early 2006. The members are actively involved in the management of EC Framework Programme (FP) research projects. They exchange information and share experiences of coordinating and managing European Framework (FP) projects. The Association is available as a communication partner for official bodies and as a resource for FP project management training activities
Organisations for Research managers and organisations
EARMA, European Association of Research Managers and Administrators. EARME represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators (RM&As) in Europe. The members work in industry, academia, and the public and private sectors. They work with the EU Commission, national and international funding agencies. EARMA provides a networking forum, a learning platform, and a place to share experiences and best practice among RM&As throughout EARMA and in the wider RM&A community
EIRMA, European Industrial Research Management Assoication. EIRMA is an independent and not-for-profit organisation that deals with the effective global management and organisation of business R&D and innovation within a European perspective involving around 120 major European companies operating in a wide range of sectors since 1966.
EARTO, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations. EARTO's mission is t0 promote and defend the interests of research and technology organisations in Europe by reinforcing their profile and position as a key player in the minds of EU decision-makers and by seeking to ensure that European R&D and innovation programmes are best attuned to their interests.
NCURA, National Council of University Research Administrators. NCURA advances the field of research administration through education and professional development programs, the sharing of knowledge and experience, and by fostering a professional, collegial, and respected community.
ARMA, Association of Research Managers and Administrators, is the UK's professional association for research managers and administrators, facilitating excellence in research by identifying and establishing best practice in research management and administration.